HI. I’m Jason Boucher.

Until recently, I was the host of a weekly radio show for almost 30 years, beginning way back in college at WUNH 91.3 FM, then with WSCA 106.1 FM, and some guest-host appearances along the way with Noods Radio UK and Soundwaves. I’m a former blogger and contributor to HuffPost and the creator of this newsletter and website.

I’ve been collecting music since I was six. My dad always had the latest hi-fi equipment, so we’d buy one LP weekly and two Maxell UR-90 cassettes to record the album. One was to play on my Sanyo boombox, and the other was for his pickup truck. I’ve been obsessed with music since... I blame my father. I spent four years working in a record store as an indie buyer, and I was a 90s college radio nerd. I have over 4,000 pieces of vinyl in my record collection, and I love putting the needle on the record.

This newsletter is for music lovers, vinyl enthusiasts, and hi-fi admirers. It includes music reviews, interviews, critiques, culture, playlists, and more. Join me as we explore everything that makes music truly resonate.

Subscribe to access the newsletter, website, and all publication archives. Whether you’re a seasoned vinyl collector, audiophile, or a casual listener -- you're always welcome here. Thanks for reading!

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“When you hear music, after it’s over, it’s gone, in the air. You can never capture it again.” – Eric Dolphy

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Coffee + Vinyl ✨ Music + Writing 👉 Author of amplifiedworld.com Former Radio DJ. Former HuffPost. 🎶 Vinyl & HiFi lover. #LFC #GoHabsGo